Head of laboratory: prof. Ing. Iraida Kolcunova, PhD.
The laboratory is used for scientific research purposes and for teaching bachelor’s and engineering students at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering. The laboratory investigates the effect of thermal aging on the electrical insulating properties of liquid dielectrics and the combined oil-paper insulation system. The laboratory is equipped with instruments that can be used to examine the influence of the polarity of the supply voltage on the value of the jump voltage in air, the influence of the interelectrode distance and the shape of the corona electrode on the corona current and the distribution of spatial charge arising in the corona discharge process. Other devices are used to measure the electrical breakdown strength of liquid dielectrics and impregnated paper insulation, to measure the dielectric properties (permittivity and loss factor tgδ) of insulating oils depending on temperature and voltage, to measure the wetting of liquid dielectrics.
Subjects and outputs of education:
- Bachelor study: Subject High voltage technology (basic knowledge related to the use of high voltages in electrical engineering, theoretical knowledge about physical processes and processes taking place in gaseous, liquid and solid insulators)
- Bachelor study: Subject Prophylaxis of electric power equipment (basic knowledge about the principles and methods of prophylactic power of electric power equipment, measuring, testing and testing equipment in the field of high voltage technology)
- Engineering study: Subject Diagnostics in power engineering (knowledge and understanding of the correct use of operational diagnostics to determine changes in the insulation system of power equipment due to operational stress for early detection of failure and increase its life)
- Doctoral study: Subject Scientific activity 1-5 .: Ability to independently design, construct, implement and modify a substantial part of research with scientific integrity and contribute to the original research to expand the boundaries of scientific knowledge through the implementation of an extensive set of works, some of which are worthy of peer-reviewed publications. Achieving original scientific results, acceptable at the international level. Based on the implementation of scientific research, the graduate is considered an expert in his field.
The laboratory is equipped with classic high voltage sources and modern measuring technology:
- DC power supply Tesla BS 222, 50kV and 10kV
- AC source TuR 100 kV
- oil tester BAUR Dieltest DTA 100kV
- fully automatic Schering bridge TETTEX 2818
- liquid moisture meter by Megger KF-LAB Mk2